Love Hangover – EP

My first ever musical project. I was fresh out of a relationship, and my heart was very much still broken. But my spirits were not, and for that I have God, my closest family/friends, and my music to thank.

I chose to channel all of my hurt and energy towards my talents and turn my pain into something positive, something that would not only benefit myself and my goals but benefit others dealing with similar emotions.

I don’t think I’ve ever been more proud of myself, not even my college graduation could compete with this. This is something that I made happen when I felt like I was in my DARKEST hour, even now as I look back tears are forming because I have come such a LONG WAY!! I am genuinely HAPPY again! And not because I found love with someone else, but because I found love within MYSELF!! I’ve realized that making myself a priority and achieving my own goals and dreams make me happier than any man ever could.

And I’m loving every minute of it ❤ for those of you who have been sending me your love and support this past year, I thank you from the bottom of my heart!! It means more to me than you guys will ever know ❤ now go do me a favor and listen/download Love Hangover RIGHT NOW!!

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